Information and innovation spread through networks through social learning. The ability to learn from others gave humans an adaptive advantage. How will social learning be advanced or disrupted by the advent of intelligent machines?

Relevant publications:

Brinkmann L, Gezerli D, Kleist KV, Müller TF, Rahwan I, Pescetelli N. Hybrid social learning in human-algorithm cultural transmission. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2022 Jul 11;380(2227):20200426. Epub 2022 May 23. PMID: 35599570; PMCID: PMC9126184.

Pescetelli, N., Barkoczi, D. & Cebrian, M. Bots influence opinion dynamics without direct human-bot interaction: the mediating role of recommender systems. Appl Netw Sci 7, 46 (2022).

Human-Machine Culture


Collective Behavioral Control


Uncertainty and Decision Making